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On Bonus screen, show the dice combination, much easier to get a quick overview of what you need.

Little more celebration when you win a round.

Would like if I double click it will automatic get selected, like when you hover a dice and press spacebar.

When on Payout screen, should be a button for you to continue, feels "wrong" to just click anywhere.

In the shop, maybe not have "exit" as a button for continue to next round, feels like you are about to exit the game or something.

Sometimes I did not know what was happening or what triggered what, think I had "Dice on the right gets +1", so maybe some animation or so, maybe it was and I am just tired now.

I might need to play more to see why and what dice I should put under what cat, what I did now was mostly "ah, I've the "nr 5 cat" and that gives me good bonus" and went with that.

Boon and Bane "perks" kinda get hidden and you will forget them, not sure if you can have an icon or similar that is always showing so you know what bane you have, but guess it can get kinda crowded in the UI.

Music, little too lively for my taste. 

This is what I've now. Good luck and keep at it!

Very good points, thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

Looks interesting.

I'll give it a try when i'm a bit more free.

The Slice & Dice inspiration is a nice bonus addition since that's one of my recent favorite games.

Also, slightly unrelated but i like how clean the UI looks.(i'm a sucker for UI design)